Rui Carlos Fonseca, PhD
A Few Words About Me
“Men learn while they teach.” (Seneca)
Rui Carlos Fonseca is an investigator at the Classical Studies Center of the Faculty of Languages at the University of Lisbon (Portugal). His main fields of research are: epopee and parody, byzantine romance and receptions studies. His post-doctorate project consists of the Portuguese translation of the Greek Byzantine romance from the 14th century called Calimaco and Crisorroe.
Rui Carlos Fonseca has a PhD in Classical Studies (University of Lisbon, 2013), and specialized in Greek Literature with a thesis about epopee and parody. He also studied Classic Literature and Languages as well as Education Studies for Classic Literature and Languages at the University of Lisbon.
Professional Experience
Rui Carlos Fonseca teaches Greek and Classic Culture at the Faculty of Languages at the University of Lisbon.