Some facts about Independence Day

Every nation has its Independence Day, the birthday of the state. This year, 2013, Israel turned 65. Let’s share some interesting, lesser known facts about the Jewish State.

The first fact is about the flag of Israel. This flag has two colors – blue and white. Not many people know that these were the colors of two tribes in the Hebrew Bible; the white is for Zebulon and the blue is for Judah. By the way, there was another suggestion (by Theodore Herzl, the father of Zionism) that the flag of the Jewish State should have seven stars, symbolizing a seven hour work day for the residents of the state.

The second fact is related to the first. Another word for flag-דֶּגֶל -in Hebrew is the word “Nes”-נֵס- which is also the word for miracle in Hebrew.

The third fact is about the range of names that were suggested for the Jewish state. Israel was the name chosen, as we well know, but there were three more suggestions: Zion-ציון, Judah- יהודה and Ever-עבר.

We all know that the symbol of the Jewish state is the lamp with the olive leaves. However, David Ben-Gurion, our first Prime Minister, offered an alternative symbol for the Jewish state – two lions which held the tablets upon which the Ten Commandments were written.

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