At the end of the eight days of Passover, on the day after Passover, Jews of North African origin , especially Moroccan Jews, celebrate a very unique Holiday: the Mimouna (Hebrew:מימונה).
According to Jewish tradition the name Mimouna is derived from the Rambam’s name :Maimon . It also means: Emunah- faith.
The Mimouna is a joyful celebration. There are no specific Jewish laws for this Holiday only customs.
During the Holiday tables are decorated, often with symbols of luck and fertility . Special candies and cakes are served for the guests. One of the most known deserts of the Mimouna is Mofletta. The Mofietta is a special pancake served with honey and butter.
The festivities continue the next morning with picnics in public parks.
There are some individuals who refrain from eating bread until the daytime Mimouna picnic, even though it is permissible the night before. This is to show the love of Matzah and how hard it is to break away from G-d’s commandments.
Today, many non-Moroccan Jews have adopted the Mimouna customs, creating massive barbecues in parks around the country.
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