Stefan Bosman

Stefan Bosman

Associate Professor in Biblical Hebrew, Biblical Greek, and Jewish Studies

A Few Words About Me

The present is the point at which time touches eternity. (The Screwtape Letters)

Stefan is Associate Professor in Biblical Hebrew, Biblical Greek, and Jewish Studies. He believes that it is very important to not only teach, but also remain a student who seeks to constantly be transformed by new discoveries and experiences, many of which are brought about by interaction with his students!


Stefan holds a BA in Software Engineering and an MA in Hebrew Bible (Hebrew University). In addition, he did two years of graduate work at seminaries in the USA and completed a preparatory PhD track in Comparative Religion (Judaism and Christianity) at the Hebrew University before embarking on a PhD in the same field at the University of Aberdeen.

Professional Experience

Stefan has taught Biblical Hebrew for over eight years in a variety of settings. In addition, he taught courses in the fields of Jewish Studies and the New Testament. The field of biblical studies, including its languages and interpretation, is what Stefan is truly passionate about.