Rabbi Jonathan Matt
A Few Words About Me
Rabbi Matt teaches Biblical Hebrew at the Israel Institute of Biblical Studies and assists in the preparation of a user-friendly version of the Zohar (the Pritzker Edition). Rabbi Matt’s first encounter with Israel was a study program for American rabbinical students in the early 1970s, over the course of which he “fell in love” with the country. After being ordained as a conservative rabbi, he returned to live in Israel. His Bible teaching is influenced by years of work in Israel’s educational tourism. Just as encounters with special people and places can be fulfilling spiritual experiences, studying the Bible in its original language is, above all, a spiritual experience. Rabbi Matt would love to share this sort of journey with you.
Rabbi Matt has a Practical Software Engineering degree from the Open University’s School of Technology in Israel and a BA in Humanities (cum laude) from the Open University in Israel, majoring in Archeology and Second Temple History. He holds an MA in Jewish Theological Seminary in New York which certifies him as a bible and rabbinics teacher in Israel. Rabbit Mat also holds a BA in Biblical Studies (general honors) from the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. Throughout his undergraduate career, Rabbi Matt took courses in the Hebrew Bible, the New Testament, and the Dead Sea Scrolls.
Professional Experience
Rabbi Matt started out teaching Bible and Rabbinics at Harei Yehudah Regional Junior High School in the 1970s. In 1995, he began managing the B’yahad Seminar Center, Kibbutz Malkiya’s educational-tourism company. For the past thirty years, Rabbit Matt has lectured at kibbutzim and cities in Upper Galilee, including lectures on Jeremiah, Psalms, and the Zohar. Today, Rabbi Matt teaches Biblical Hebrew to English-speaking students at the Israel Institute of Biblical Studies.