Eric de Jesús Rodríguez Mendoza

Eric de Jesús Rodríguez Mendoza

Professor of "Jewish Background of the New Testament", and "Discovering the Hebrew Bible"

A Few Words About Me

Eric Rodriguez is a Professor of Jewish exegesis and theology, a consultant, and administrator of the “Jewish Studies for Christians” blog in Spanish at the Israel Institute of Biblical Studies. He is an activist of biblical studies online and has published articles and shared videos about the bible and ancient Jewish studies, offering new points of view about translations, versions of scriptures, and Christianity.


Eric Rodriguez is an economist and minored in Industrial Engineering from Atlantico University. He holds a Honoris Causa diploma in Biblical Languages from the Miami International Seminary (MINTS), and also holds two diplomas in the teaching-learning process from the National Learning University.

Professional Experience

Eric has worked as an Administrative Assistant at the Government of Colombia, a teacher of Biblical Language at MINTS, and is currently the President of Shiloh Messianic Congregation.