Revd. André Mira MA MA AKC

Revd. André Mira MA MA AKC

Associate Professor of Jewish Studies, Jewish Background of the New Testament, Discovering the Hebrew Bible

A Few Words About Me

Revd. André Mira is an Associate Professor at the Israel Institute of Biblical Studies and he teaches courses related to Jewish studies, including the Jewish Background of the New Testament and Discovering the Hebrew Bible. He is married with two children and a lover of the scriptures and music.


Revd. André Mira has an MA in Jewish studies from King’s College in London, and an MA in Biblical Studies from Heythrop College, University of London. His diplomas include a diploma in Theology, Religious Studies, and Psychoanalytic Psychology, all from the Birkbeck College, University of London. He is an accredited minister under the Baptist Union of Great Britain.

Professional Experience

Revd. André Mira has been studying and teaching in Israel, London, and Sao Paulo for 17 years.