Aliza Katzman
See What People Say About
Aliza Katzman
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"I am greatly enjoying this course and learning a lot."
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"One has to work seriously and doing the homework then you arrive very fast to a higher level.
It may be boring sometimes when you got feeble in class and the teacher is absorbed by such a person. It may also become difficult for the teacher to be fair when he has more than 10 participants in the class. But generally, it does not happen.
Finally, my experiences with the e-teacher group are very satisfying."
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"Só há um aspecto que sugiro melhorar: Headset deveria ser um requisito obrigatório para a participação na aula. Não é agradável ouvir o tráfego, celular tocando e ruídos na linha. A professora precisa ter o trabalho de emudecer os microfones dos alunos que não usam o Headset. "

Aliza Katzman

Modern Hebrew Teacher

A Few Words About Me

For many years, Aliza taught in Hebrew Ulpan programs in Israel and abroad as an educational emissary of the Jewish Agency. She built educational programs in Hebrew and combined Jewish traditions for the Ulpan students abroad. Eliezer Ben Yehuda said: “A nation was built in two: language and country.” We wait for the Diaspora Jews to be a part of the Jewish people in Israel.


Aliza holds an BA in Art and an MA in Education and Psychology, as well as 3 teaching certificates: Art, Special Education, and Hebrew for Adults. test

Professional Experience

Aliza is very experienced in teaching Hebrew in Israel, abroad, and to academic students studying Hebrew professionally in the College of Management.