5 Israeli women who have changed the world

It is true, feminism is growing and girl power is stronger each day. Female personalities and authorities in a number of areas and industries are now in the important positions they deserve. Movie stars, Nobel prize winners, politicians, entrepreneurs, businesswomen and more.

These role models are an example for everyone, they’ve made a change in life and have inspired each one of us to contribute in order to make a difference in the world.

Today, we want to show you 5 extraordinary Israeli women who have changed the world. Are you ready to be amazed by their power and knowledge? Are you ready to scream “girl power!”? Be prepared, because here they are…

Successful Israeli women that have changed the world

We bring you 5 examples of Israeli women who have made an impact in the world, in different categories and with different resources, but always with the big goal of, somehow, helping others.

Gal Gadot: Way more than just a pretty face!

Gal Gadot, better known as the modern “Wonder Woman”, is an Israeli model and actress. She was Miss Israel in 2004. After participating in movies like The Fast and the Furious, The Justice League and Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice, she obtained her most recent and most important role: playing Wonder Woman in the 2017 movie.

Born and raised in Israel, she uses her empowerment and influence to support her country. Gal served as a combat instructor for her 2 mandatory years in the Israel Defense Forces.

Gadot was included in The Times Annual List of 100 most influential people in the world in 2018. This list recognizes powerhouse figures around the world. To give you a better understanding, personalities like Roger Federer, Elon Musk, Oprah Winfrey and Rihanna have been on this list in the past.

In October 2016, Gal and her female coworkers on the movie appeared at the United Nations for the 75th anniversary of the first appearance of Wonder Woman. The character received the title of “Honorary Ambassador for the Empowerment of Women and Girls”, intended to achieve gender equality and empower women and girls by 2030.

Golda Meir: The best man in the government

Golda Meir was an Israeli teacher, stateswoman, politician and the 4th Prime Minister of Israel. She was the fourth woman in the world and first and only woman in Israel to have such a high position in politics.

Described as the “Iron Lady” and “the best man in the government”, Golda Meir was known for her strong character, as seen in her honest and straightforward ways.

Before becoming the Prime Minister, she served as the Minister of Labor and Foreign Affairs; worked as a teacher and was chosen as the representative of the kibbutz where she lived and worked in the Histadrut.

One of her biggest achievements was signing the Israeli Declaration of Independence on May 14, 1948. She was also awarded the Israel Prize in 1975.

She is one of the strongest female figures in Israel and the entire world, with an attitude and knowledge leaders of today wish to have.

Idit Harel: Changing the way we educate and teach

Idit Harel in as Israeli-American entrepreneur and the CEO of Globaloria, an online learning platform designed for kids to learn how to design, code, and prototype. She is a researcher and pioneer of EdTech interventions, and an expert on the impact new technology has on children.

Her work has contributed to the development of new theories. Besides having been one of Seymour Papert’s students, she was the founder and CEO of an educational consulting firm called MaMaMedia INC. Idit was also President and Chair of the World Wide Workshop, where they develop applications for learning with technology.

Idit is a businesswoman and role model for every girl who wants to make a difference in the world. She is amazing, inspiring and one of the most important people in the industry of coding and EdTech.

Orly Wahba: Kindness to heal the world

Orly Wahba is an educator, author, entrepreneur and community activist who likes to inspire and motivate people to be the best they can be. She is a public speaker, and the founder of a non-profit organization called “Life Vest Inside”. They encourage people to give and recognize that no matter how hard life is, kindness is like a life-vest; it keeps the world afloat, helping people all around the world.

She started working with kids in New York and currently works with teens, tweens and adults, always providing a helping hand for those who need it most. Her talks and worldwide activities are inspiring for both women and men who would like to help others and change the world while doing so. She is an example for everyone who wants to simply make the world a better place.

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Ada Yonath: Israeli Nobel Prize winner

Ada Yonath is an Israeli crystallographer, director of the Helen and Milton A. Kimmelman Center for Biomolecular Structure and Assembly of the Weizmann Institute of Science.

Awarded with the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2009, for her studies on the structure and function of the ribosome, she became the first Israeli and Middle Eastern woman to win such a prize, as well as the first woman in 45 years to win the Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

She has won many more important prizes and is a member of the United Nation Academy of Sciences, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, as well as several other European associations. This makes her one of the most influential and smart people around the world.

Change your own world: Learn Hebrew online

These 5 women are just an example of many others who invest their life in changing the world. One of the first things you can do to start changing your own world is learning a new language, so why don’t you start with the common factor between these personalities? Learn Hebrew today and begin to reach new highs.

About the author

Arie Elbelman R.Arie was born and raised in Chile, and immigrated to Israel in his early twenties. He wants to take an active role in the development of this young and smart country. Arie believes that the best way to shape our present and future is to live with more horizontal hierarchies, to smile a whole lot, and to always, always respect each other.

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