Clothing in Hebrew: Learn more while getting dressed

We bet that before leaving your house there is something you always do: Get dressed! Indeed, nowadays, where fashion has become so important, you should definitely learn how to say clothing words in Hebrew.

If you are planning to come to Israel to do some clothing shopping, or if you are just choosing what to wear for your working day back home, these Hebrew words will allow you to learn even more vocabulary and to turn getting-dressed-time into learning-time.

So if you want to know how to say pants in Hebrew, shirt in Hebrew, skirt in Hebrew or even tie in Hebrew (even if people in Israel don’t use this last one very often), find a comfortable position and read this list of clothing words in the language of our ancestors.

Clothing in Hebrew: How to say that thing that you are wearing


Pants in Hebrew is מכנסיים (pronounced: mee-chnah-sa-eem), and as you might have noticed it is a plural world just for one clothing piece. This might be because we have 2 legs, but to be honest, we don’t really know why it is like this. What’s important here is that you don’t forget to wear them so you don’t go out to the רחוב only wearing תחתונים (we’ll give you the meaning of this word in a little bit, don’t worry!). Just if you were wondering how to say short pants, you can go for the traditionalמכנס קצר (pronounced: mee-chnas kah-tzar) or for something that will be way simpler: שורטים (pronounced: shor-teem).


Ok, so let’s start with a clarification. Don’t expect any Israeli to wear a shirt very often – in some cases, they don’t even wear them to their own weddings. Shirt in Hebrew is חולצה מכופתרת (pronounced: chul-tzah meh-koof-teh-ret), which literally means “button up shirt”. You have it in different sizes, for different genders, and for both kids and grown-ups… But if it has buttons, that’s what it is called. Make sure to use the right מכנסיים with whatever חולצה מכופתרת you decide to wear.


Let’s do an exercise: if a button up shirt is חולצה מכופתרת and if button is כפתור, how would you say T-shirt in a language where everything is way simpler than in English, Spanish and especially than in French? Just take out the button part and you’re done! T-Shirt in Hebrew is חולצה (pronounced: chul-tzah). But we have even better news for you, some people already call them “T-Shirts”, so you won’t have any issue buying one in your next visit to Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Rosh Pina, Ashdod or Eilat.


Dress in Hebrew is שמלה (pronounced: seem-lah) and as a bonus, we will tell you that skirt in Hebrew is חצאית (pronounced: cha-tzah-eat). It is time for another exercise! Do you know how to say “bride” in Hebrew? (if you don’t, join one of our online Hebrew courses right away!), well, bride is כלה (pronounced: kah-lah). Can you now imagine how to say “wedding dress” in Hebrew? If you got the answer, post it in the comments below!


Yes, even if you hate this fact, Crocs are also in this category! Shoes in Hebrew are נעליים (pronounced: nah-ah-lah-eem). All kinds of shoes are in this category; heels (עקבים), running shoes (נעלי ספורט), etc… Which kind of shoes are you wearing right now? Leave your answer, in Hebrew, in the comments below!

Sandals and Flip-flops

Remember when we discussed the summer Hebrew vocabulary? That’s right! Sandals are סנדלים (pronounced: sun-dah-leem), and flip-flops are כפכפים (pronounced: kaf-kah-feem). And believe us, you’ll need them when visiting Israel in the summer. It is way too hot here.


One of the most important parts of getting dressed, do not forget to put on your תחתונים. Oops! We just spoiled our own article… Underwear in Hebrew is תחתונים (pronounced: tach-toh-neem), both for men and for women. Now, if you want to pick an interesting color for this part of your closet drawers, just see the article in which we talk about Colors in Hebrew and be ready to make your underwear decision.

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We’ll give you the Hebrew word for socks only if you promise not to wear them with סנדלים. We have a deal? Deal! Socks in Hebrew are גרביים (pronounced: gar-bah-eem) and you can wear them when it is very קר outside, when wearing נעליים, when going to the שרותים in the middle of the night, etc.. but you should never, never wear socks while wearing סנדלים.


Remember we mentioned that it is extremely hard to make Israelis wear a button up shirt? Then you should start forgetting right now about some of them wearing an עניבה. Tie in Hebrew is עניבה (pronounced: ah-nee-bah), and even though you are not going to see many of them when visiting Israel (unless you are visiting a firm of lawyers, or the office of the Prime Minister), it is important for you to know how to say it.

It is time to strengthen your Hebrew

It doesn’t matter what your goal is, if you want to visit Israel, if you want to better understand what’s happening in the synagogue, or if you just want to learn the language of our matriarchs. The time to learn Hebrew in an online, live course has come. Discover more about learning Hebrew in a unique way, here.

About the author

Arie Elbelman R.Arie was born and raised in Chile, and immigrated to Israel in his early twenties. He wants to take an active role in the development of this young and smart country. Arie believes that the best way to shape our present and future is to live with more horizontal hierarchies, to smile a whole lot, and to always, always respect each other.

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