Irgun (in Hebrew:אִרְגּוּן ; shorthand for haIrgun haTzva’i haLe’umi אִרְגּוּן צְבָאִי לְאֻמִּי, “National Military Organization”) was a Zionist paramilitary group that operated in one of the most important times of Israel-history- the British mandate of Palestine between 1931 and 1948.
With the publication of the 1939 White Paper restricting Jewish immigration into
Palestine, the Irgun had no choice but to direct their efforts against the British too. A truce was briefly declared after the outbreak of the Second World War. When the full extent of the Holocaust became known, and it was clear that Britain was continuing to implement the White Paper, the Irgun realized that there was no alternative but to renew the armed struggle against the British in Palestine.
On February 1, 1944, the Irgun proclaimed a revolt against British rule over Palestine and demanded that the British leave the country forthwith and a Jewish state is established. The gradual intensification of military action against the Mandatory government undermined the basis of British rule. These operations carried out with the Lehi (Fighters for the Freedom of Israel) and occasionally with the Haganah as well, ultimately forced the British government to bring the question of the future of Palestine before the United Nations.
On November 29, 1947, the UN Assembly decided to partition Palestine into two states: a Jewish state, the State of Israel, and a Palestinian-Arab state.
If you are traveling in Israel don’t miss the exciting Museum of Etzel in Tel-Aviv
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